| ![]() MIL-P-21343(SHIPS) The sectional assembly drawing shall show all assembly clearances. Drawings submitted with bids are not required to be m master drawing format.
3.10 Technical manuals. - Technical manuals shall be in accordance with type III of Specifica-
tion MIL-M-15071 , unless otherwise specified in the contract or order. A separate manual shall be
furnished for each different pump unit except in special cases when manuals covering more than
one pump may be approved. Preliminary technical manuals submitted for approval shall include all
proposed sections complete.
3.10.1 Preliminary technical manuals, containing the actual pump performance curves, shall be
packed with each pump in the event final manuals are not prepared.
3.11 Repair parts and tools. -
3.11.1 Onboard repair parts of the types and quantities listed in table III shall be furnished for
each submarine as required (see 6.1).
Table III - Onboard repair parts. Onboard repair parts for the electrical equipment shall be furnished in accordance with
the applicable equipment specification.
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