| ![]() 4.6.4 packaging, packing, and marking. packaging, packing, and marking
shall comply with the requirements of Section 5.
4.6.5 If an equipment fails any of' the above tests, the failed equip-
ment shall be returned to the manufacturer and shall not be resubmitted
for acceptance until corrective action has been accomplished.
4.7 Preproduction and periodic production inspection. The preproduc-
tion and periodic production samples, after satisfactorily passing the
quality conformance inspections detailed in 4.6, shall be subjected to
the following tests and examinations. Certified inspection data covering
the results of preproduction and periodic production inspections shall be
forwarded to the Naval Ordnance Systems Command. The inspection data shall
consist of the following:
(a) Date of tests and names of persons conducting tests.
(b) Run or test plan used.
(c) Serial or identification number of unit.
(d) Tests results of preproduction and periodic production tests.
4.7.1 Temperature. Place the power supply in a temperature chamber.
With the unit operating, lower the ambient temperature to 30 degrees F.
Allow the unit to stabilize at that temperature and perform the quality
conformance tests of 4.6. The power supply shall meet the performance
requirements of 4.6 of this specification at this temperature. Raise
the ambient temperate to 130 degrees F and allow the unit to stabilize
at this temperature. While operating at 130 degrees F. the power supply
shall meet all the performance requirements of 4.6 of this specification
Equipment should be allowed to stabilize at testing temperature for 24
hours before actual tests are begun.
4.7.2 Humidity. Operate the power supply in a humidity chamber at a
relative humidity of 90 to 95 percent and a temperature of 130 degrees F
for a period of 48 hours. After 48 hours of operating in this environ-
ment, the power supply shall meet the requirements cited in 4.6 of this
specification. Tests are to be made while equipment is operating at
90-95 percent humidity and at a temperature of 130 degrees F.
Only the two power supplies furnished as
preproduction units are to be subjected
to the rough handling tests of 4.7.3.
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