| MIL-P-26366A
3.13 Hydraulic systems.
with each other with respect to installation and
performance, except that matched parts or
3.13.1 Hydraulic power. Any limitation of
selective fits will be permitted where required.
the propeller system caused by loss of hy-
The drawing number requirements of Specifica-
draulic power shall be specified in the model
tion MIL-D-70327 shall govern changes in the
manufacturer's part numbers. Self-contained hydraulic system.
3.11 Accessibility. Insofar as practicable,
The capacity of the self-contained hydraulic
parts of the propeller system requiring routine
s y s t e m shall be specified in the model
service checking, adjustment, or replacement
shall be readily accessible for servicing without External hydraulic power. W h e n
teardown of the propeller or removal of any
externally supplied hydraulic power is required
m a j o r parts. T h e times required for all
for the propeller system, the pressure, flow, and
routine inspection, maintenance, and replace-
quantity requirements shall be specified in the
ment actions shall be specified in the model
model specification.
specification. Fluids. The operating fluid shall be
3.12 Electrical systems.
specified in the model specification. The fluid
3.12.1 Electrical power. Any limitation of
shall be selected from military specifications,
the propeller system caused by loss of elec-
and no change in fluid shall be required for
trical power shall be specified in the model
operation throughout the complete ground and
air temperature range. External electrical power. W h e n Fluid contamination. Filter ca-
power is required from the aircraft electrical
pacity shall be such as to allow operation
system, the following shall apply:
between the filter inspection periods specified
(a) The electrical power requirements (of
by the propeller manufacturer.
the propeller system) such as voltage,
(a) Self-contained hydraulic systems: The
current, phase, and frequency shall be
propeller manufacturer shall specify
specified in the model specification.
the filtration requirements of fluid be-
(b) Propeller system electrical equipment
ing installed in the systems.
shall operate satisfactorily under the
(b) Non-self-contained hydraulic systems:
applicable long term and transient
The propeller shall operate on the fluid
voltage variations set forth in Stand-
being supplied.
ard MIL-STD-704. Fluid lines and fittings. It shall be
3.12.2 Radio interference. All electrical
possible to connect or disconnect fluid line fit-
and electronic components shall not cause radio
tings and to flex fluid lines as necessary for
interference beyond the limits specified in
routine maintenance, at a temperature of 65
Specification MIL-I-26600.
F without damage to these items.
3.12.3 Ignition-proof. All electrical com-
3 . 1 4 Dry weight of propeller system.
ponents located in a potentially explosive en-
The dry weight of the propeller system shall
vironment that are not heretically sealed shall
not exceed that specified in the model specifica-
be ignition-proof in order not to ignite any ex-
tion. The weights of components which are
plosive mixture surrounding the equipment.
included in the dry weight of the propeller sys-
3.12.4 Connectors and cable. It shall be
tem, and which are airframe or engine mounted,
possible to connector disconnect electrical con-
shall be listed.
nectors and to flex electrical conductors as neces-
3.14.1 Weight of residual fluids. The esti-
sary for routine maintenance, at a temperature
mated weight of residual fluids remaining in the
of 65 F, without damage to these items.
propeller after operation and drainage, while
3.12.5 Grounding. All electrical circuits
the propeller is in its normal attitude, shall be
shall be designed to preclude grounding or
specified in the model specification.
ground return through bearings.
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