| MIL-P-26366A Test notes. Notes shall be placed on
predicated on the satisfactory completion of
the log sheets of all incidents of the run, such
qualification tests specified herein and approval
as leaks, vibration, and other irregular func-
of the test report by the procuring activity.
tioning of the propeller or the test apparatus,
Qualification tests shall consist of:
and the corrective measures taken.
(a) Preliminary flight release test S
4.5 Preliminary flight release tests
(PFRT) (4.5)
(PFRT). A complete preproduction propeller
(b) Accreditation tests (4.6)
shall be subjected to the following PFRT to
(c) Aircraft test (4.7)
insure that the propeller has sufficient durability
4.4.1 Qualifiafion test procedures. The de-
and reliability prior to release for flight testing
tails and procedures of the qualification tests
under controlled conditions.
for the propeller shrill be established by the
4.5.1 Whirl stand tests.
contractor, subject to review and coordination Test conditions.
with the testing activity and the approval of the Test apparatus. The whirl stand
procuring activity. The testing activity desig-
tests of the propeller shall be conducted on test
nated by the contractor shall be subject to ap-
apparatus capable of developing horsepower
proval of the Government. The tests, as ap-
and variations of speed, without forward ve-
plicable, shall consist. of sequential simulated
locity, in excess of that specified in the contrac-
flight cycles and functional operation of the
tor's model specification.
propeller controls. Test propeller. The same test pro-
4.4.2 Hydraulic systems.
peller shall be used for all the whirl stand tests Fluid pressure. The fluid pressure.
defined herein and shall consist of the aerody-
adjustments, if applicable, shall be made at the
namic configuration specified in the model
beginning of the test to the value(s) specified
specification with the blades assembled in the
in the model specification. No further adjust-
hub and properly restrained to insure a fixed
ments that may affect. the loading, functioning,
angle setting for test under the following con-
or operation of the components or the propeller
shall be permitted during the test.
When capable of being separated from the Fluid servicing. The fluid system
propeller assembly, the spinner or ice con-
shall be drained and filled with new fluid at the
trol equipment may be removed from the
start of the specific propeller test. When ex-
test propeller for the calibration and vibra-
ternally supplied hydraulic power is a require-
tory stress survey as approved by the pro-
curing activity. The components not in-
ment only new makeup fluid shall be introduced
into the system Subsequent to initial servicing.
cluded on the propeller for the calibration
No fluid shall be drained from or added to the
and vibratory stress survey shall be tested
system during the test unless authorized by the
in accordance with
Government representative. The system shall Test data. During the whirl stand
further be maintained in accordance with the
tests the following data shall be recorded, where
requirements of the contractor as approved by
applicable, in multiple increments of 50 or 100
the procuring activity.
rpm, as may be required, throughout the total
rpm range of the test run:
4.4.3 Qualification test log data. The con-
tractor shall include copies of the original quali-
Time of day.
fication test log data as an appendix to the ap-
Total test time.
plicable report required by 8.43. The qualifica-
Oscillograph stress traces.
tion test log data format, except as required
Propeller speed, rpm.
herein, shall be as provided by the contractor.
Blade angle, degrees.
Corrected horsepower. Miscellaneous data. The date, op-
Corrected thrust, lbs.
erating schedule, propeller model designation,
Torque, ft-lbs.
and serial number shall be recorded on each
Barometer, inches.
log sheet.
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