| ![]() MIL-P-26366A
T ABLE II. Tent schedule
(h) Mechanical low pitch stop.
to indicate that no calibrated component has
A continuous recording shall be made at each
changed its calibrations beyond allowble serv-
of the above miscellaneous checks throughout
ice limits and that the function of uncalibrated
the contractor's procedures as approved by the
components is unimpared. When applicable,
procuring activity.
the miscellaneous systems operations checks shall Cycle test. Following the control
be as follows:
response tests, the propeller shall be subjected
(a) Normal feather shutdown.
to the cyclic test consisting of 50 successive 1-
(b) Emergency feather shutdown with
hour cycles of operation. A continuous record-
simultaneous manual fuel shutoff.
ing shall be made of the transistory and steady-
(c) Manual feather and unfeather after
state conditions specified in and
shutdown. prior to and after the cyclic test.
(d) Emergency negative torque signal by
Visual inspections shall be accomplished as a
means of a monentary fuel interrup-
precautionary measure for direction of parts
failure and other irregular functioning of the
(e) Effects of changes in electrical voltage
propeller. These inspections shall be accom-
and power supply within the limits
plished after the first, third, sixth, and every
specified in Standard MIL-STD-704.
tenth hour interval thereafter, unless test con-
(f) Effects of ac power failures.
ditions warrant more frequent intervals. Each
(g) Overspeed mechanical pitch lock.
cycle shall consist of the following runs:
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