| MIL-P-26366A
tion of the Government representative. Ex-
(c) One-hour cycles, including emergency
ternal oil leakage will be considered as stoppage.
negative torque signal operation and
If, on close inspection at the completion of the
feathering, as applicable, shall be used.
rig run, external oil leaks beyond acceptable Test duration. The propellers
limits are discovered, a check run or a complete
shall be subjected to a test rig run of 10 hours
rerun after sealing the leak shall be made at the
trouble-free operation in accordance with test
discretion of the Government representative.
provisions required in Inspection and acceptance after rig
run. Propellers that complete the rig run shall
be disassembled sufficiently to allow a limited
5.1 Preservation, packaging, and packing.
inspection for defects of vital working parts to
The propeller and components shall be prepared
an extent as established in an appropriate con-
for shipment and storage in accordance with
tractor's specification subject to the approval of
Specification MIL-P-6074. The contractor
the Government. Control major subassemblies
shall furnish a packing list with each propeller.
and hub major subassemblies shall be re-
All parts, components and tools which are not
assemble{ after inspection and retested in
installed on the propeller, but which are shipped
accordance with appropriate contractor func-
with the propeller, shall be included on the
tional test specifications. Upon successful com-
packing list.
pletion of the inspection and retest as appropri-
5 . 2 Marking for shipment. In addition
ate, the propeller shall be processed for final
to those marking requirements specified in Spec-
Government acceptance.
ification MIL-P-6074, interior packages and Determination of defects. Any dis-
exterior shipping containers shall be marked
crepancy discovered during the testing and in-
in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-129.
spection specified in 4.8.2 shall be reported to
the Government representative. A defect shall
be defined as any condition which indicates un-
6.1 Intended use. The aircraft propellers
satisfactory performance of the 10-hour test or
covered by this specification are intended for
at disassembly and examination of the propeller
aircraft propulsion.
upon completion of the 10-hour test, also any
6 . 2 Ordering data. Procurement docu-
component defect which experience indicates
ments should specify the following:
could result in failure or which could materially
(a) Title, number, and date of this spec-
reduce usability of the propeller for its intended
(b) Propeller model designation (see 3.1). Rejection and retest. If the pro-
(c) Levels of preservation, packaging and
peller shows a defect during test, it shall here-
packing (see 5.1).
inafter be rejected and removed from the samp-
6.3 Previously qualified components and
ling plan schedule and shall be considered and
accessories. Similarity of propeller compo-
handled as a separate item. After correction of
nents and accessories with past propeller corn-
the condition responsible for rejection, the pro-
ponents find accessories may form the basis for
peller shall be subjected to both the functional
the deletion of specific tests or portions thereof.
test in and the 10-hour test in 4.8.2.
6 . 4 Guarantees. All items in the propel-
Prior to retest, full details concerning the de-
ler model specification are guaranteed unless
fect and the corrective action taken shall be
specified as "estimates."
furnished the Government representative. Any
propeller defective after retest shall not be re-
6.5 Design and installation criteria. In
submitted without the specific approval of the
consideration of acceptable design criteria and
Government representative.
recommended practices, for the guidance of
4.8.3 Stoppages. Stoppage from any cause
design, construction, and installation of military
shall require a repetition of the particular period
aircraft propellers, reference should be made
during which the stoppage occurred, at the op-
to Bulletin ANC-9.
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