| ![]() MIL-P-26366A Beta regime. The beta regime is the
6.6 Symbols and definitions. The appli-
regime during which the blade angle is con-
cable symbols and definitions used in the pro-
trolled directly by movement of a cockpit lever,
peller model specification will be as specified in
rather than by the constant speed mechanism.
Bulletin ANC-9, and will be in addition to those Design Aq. Aq is a one times pro-
as specified hereafter.
6.6.1 Definitions.
peller speed (IXP) excitation factor, where A
is the angularity of airflow into the propeller Government. The term "Govern-
disc in degrees and q is the airplane dynamic
ment" as used in this specification should be in-
pressure in pounds per square foot.
terpreted to mean the procuring activity. Procuring activity. The procuring
6.7 Superseding data. This specification
supersedes the following propeller specifica-
activity is the service which negotiates the pro-
peller contract. Estimates. An estimate is a value
for a characteristic which has been predicted
by the contractor from available knowledge. Standard conditions. Standard con-
ditions are the values of air temperature and
pressure given in NACA TN 1235. The stand-
ard humidity, for the purpose of this specifica-
tion, is zero vapor pressure at all altitudes. Propeller. A propeller consists of
those components necessary for primary pro-
peller operation, such as hub, blades, spinner,
Notice: When Government drawings, specifications,
control, etc., and including O nly the items
or other data are used for any purpose other than in
listed as propeller components in the model
connection with a definitely related Government pro-
curement operation, the United States Government Propeller accessories. Propeller ac-
thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation
cessories are those assemblies listed in the model
whatsoever; and the fact that the Government may
specification required for secondary propeller
have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the
operation, such aS synchronizers, deicing timers,
said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be
regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner
licensing the holder or any other person or corporation Propeller components.
or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture,
components are items of equipment, rotating or
use, or sell any patented invention that may in any way
nonrotating, furnished as parts of the propeller
be related thereto.
required for propeller operation.
Custodians: Pitch-changing systems. The pitch-
changing systems are those systems comprised
of all the components required to translate the
Air Force--AFSC
Preparing activity:
p i t c h - c h a n g i n g power into angular blade
Air Force--AFSC
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