| MII-P-26367A
3.11 Accessibility. - (List items requiring routine service checking, adjustment,
or replacement and the times (man-hours) required for all routine inspection, mainte-
nance, and replacement actions.)
3.12.1 Electrical power. - The magnitude of the propeller system control limi-
tations caused by loss of externally supplied electrical power shall result in External electrical power. - The electrical load diagram(s), figure(s)
defines the estimated electrical power from external sources required by the
propeller system under each condition of operation. (Include voltage, current, phase,
and frequency.)
3.13.1 Hydraulic power. - The magnitude of the propeller control limitations
caused by loss of externally supplied self-contained, or external hydraulic power
shall result in Self-contained hydraulic system. - The capacity of the self-contained
hydraulic system shall be External hydraulic power. - The maximum estimated hydraulic power from
external sources under each condition of operation is
The hydraulic system operating fluid(s) shall be in accord- Fluids. -
ance with Specification
, grade or type
(Where filters are required, specify the filter Fluid contamination. -
inspection periods.)
3.l4 Dry weight of propeller system. - The dry weight of the propeller system
pounds. Propeller components included in the propeller dry
shall not exceed
weight which are airframe or engine mounted shall be as follows: Component
Maximum weight
The weight of the fluid(s) is _________pounds. (When addi-
tional equipment is furnished with the propeller, such items, their maximum weight,
and a reference as to whether contractor or Government furnished, shall be listed in
tabular form. These item weights shall be included within the propeller dry weight.)
3.14.1 Weight of residual fluids. - The estimated weight of residual fluids
remaining in the propeller after operation and drainage while the propeller is in its
normal attitude shall be
3.18.1 Vibration. -
(Restrictions in propeller operating conditions shall be
* 3.19 Propeller accessory limiting temperatures. - (Each propeller component,
having a limiting temperature shall be listed in tabular form, Maximum temperatures
of the environment and the accessories, heat rejection rate, maximum endurance times,
and maximum temperatures after shutdown, as applicable, shall be listed.)
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