| ![]() MIL-P-26367A
3.20 Ice control system. - The propeller shall incorporate provisions for
(insert applicable propeller components) ice control and shall be a
method of system or combinations of methods) ice control system. (In case where two
or more components are controlled by separate methods, so state, by additional para-
graphs for each specific condition.)
3.20.1 Type of ice control.- The ice control system. provision, shall operate
(non) continuously. (If noncontinuous, specify manual or automatic control. Require-
ments for indication of the operation of the ice control system, if applicable, shall
be specified.)
3.20.2 Electrical ice control system. -
(Briefly describe and list each unit
of the system furnished, method of actuation, and applicable protective devices.) Bonding material. - (Cements, adhesives, or brazing used to bend blade,
spinner, or cuff electrical heating elements shall be specified. Bonding processes
which cause a reduction in physical properties of the item to which the element is
bonded shall also be specified.) Power requirements. - The electrical load diagram(s), figure(s)
defines the estimated electrical power from
(inert internal or
external) source required by the ice control system under each condition of operation.
The type of phase loading, overload, and open circuit sensing devices utilized shall
be specified.) The total power reqirements of the ice control system shall be
watts maximum. Cyclic heating controls. - (List in tabular form the cyclic sequence
and the period of time-off and time-on operation required for each propeller.)
3.20.3 Fluid ice control system. - (Briefly describe and list each unit of the
system furnished, method of actuation, and flow pattern coverage of the blade in per-
cent,of area.) Fluid. - The ice control system fluid, flow rate, and pressure shall
be as follows: (List pertinent information.) Compounds. - The ice control system compound(s) shall be in accordance
with Specification(s)
,grade or type
. Gas ice control system.- (Briefly describe and list each unit of the
system furnished method of actuation, and applicable protective devices. Protective
devices supplied as part of the propeller system or required of the airframe manu-
facturer shall be specified.) Heat requirements. - The energy and heat supply for the ice control
system shall be provided by an
(insert internal or external) source having a
(non) continuous flow of heated
(insert type and mixture, flow, temperature,
and pressure, as applicable). A schematic drawing of the distribution system shall be
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