| ![]() MIL-P-26367A
3.22 Support. - The support of the propeller shall be of a
(insert type
of shaft(s) or routing) type incorporating a
(insert bolt circle diameter and
number of mounting bolts, if applicable) bolt circle in accodance with Standard
(Insert applicable standard and size designation number.)
3.23 Blade. - (Describe the blade configuration, construction, and retention.)
The blade characteristics are shown on figure
(These curves shall be
drawn in accordance with figure 5. Additional figures and curves may be used when
required for clarity.)
3.23.2 Blade track. - Corresponding points adjacent to the tips of the blades
of the propeller shall be in the same plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation
within a tolerance of
3.23.3 Blade vent hole. - A blade vent hole shall (not) be provided. (If pro-
vialed, describe configuration and location.)
3.23.5 Standard blade shank ends.- Ground adjustable blade shank ends shall
design standard. (Insert applicable standard number
be in accordance with
and size.)
3.23.6 Finishing wood blades.- (Briefly describe the external finish applied
to the blade and list material specification(s).)
3.24 Hub. -
(Describe the propeller hub configuration and construction.)
3.25 Spinner. - A spinner shall (not) be provided. (Describe the propeller
spinner configuration, construction, and retention.)
3.25.2 Balance provisions. -
(Describe provisions for correcting static or
dynamic unbalance conditions.)
3.26 Blade cuff. - Blade cuffs shall (not) be provided. (If provided, briefly
describe the process used where the cuffs are not attached by mechanical means.)
3.27.1 Pitch-changing. - (Briefly describe the pitch-changing system, include
type and source of power, and list major units, as applicable.)
3.28.2 Provisions. -
(Briefly describe and list each feature of the propeller
control system.)
3.28.3 Speed synchronization. - Speed synchronization shall (not) be provided.
(Briefly describe the type and principle of operation, including electrical power
requirements, such as voltage, amperes, etc.)
3.28.4 Governing. -
(Briefly describe the principle of operation.) Governors. -
The governor shall have limit settings as follows:
Limit stop conditions
Propeller rpm
Any special conditions (such as
feather, reverse, etc.)
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