| MIL-P-29191B(YD1)
Description of instrumentation to be used to measure parameters required
by the tests.
List of equipment and personnel involved and a schematic illustration of
their deployment and utilization for each of the tests.
4.6.2 General. A compliance check for presence of all accessories
specified, and compatibility with stated required certifications shall be made.
4.6.3 Mechanisms and accessories. All mechanisms, mechanical and
electrical , shall be operated to determine acceptability of smooth operation.
Accessories mounted on brackets shall be removed and relocated on the brackets
to determine acceptability of mounting configuration.
4.6.4 Hoist and shock test. A payload of 6,000 lb (excluding engines) shall
be distributed uniformly over the boat deck space except as required to maintain
access to lifting eyes. The boat shall then be hoisted by the lifting eyes to a
height of 5 feet above the surface of the water and held for a minimum of 3
minutes . After this time the boat shall free-fall onto the water surface. The
Any damage to the platform, hull/platform
test shall be repeated five times
connection, foldup/locking devices, lifting eyes, or area around the lifting
eyes, or permanent deformation shall constitute failure of the test. To avoid
damage to outboard engines during this test, the exhaust and cooling water inlet
and outlet ports shall be plugged. As an alternative, an equivalent load may be
mounted to the transom in place of the outboard engines, provided the load
distribution on the transom is equivalent to that of the engines.
4.6.5 Torsional test. With the boat resting on a hard, level surface and
engines removed, a load of 6,000 lb shall be distributed uniformly over the boat
deck space. Using one lifting eye, one corner of the boat shall then be hoisted
to a height of 3 feet above the surface and held for a minimum of 5 minutes.
This test shall be repeated for each of the remaining three corners. Any damage
to the platform, foldup/locking devices, or permanent deformation shall
constitute failure of the test.
4 6.6 Cleat load test. One side of the (unloaded) boat shall be hoisted to
a height of 3 feet above the surface of the water, utilizing the two mooring
cleats on that side of the boat, and held for a period of not less than 3
minutes. Any damage to the cleat, platform deck, or permanent deformation shall
constitute failure of the test.
4.6.7 Operating test. The workboat platform shall be assembled in less than
2 hours as required by 3.1, deployed and subjected to an in-water compliance
check for mechanism, control, gage, and engine operation. Included in this test
shall be seaworthiness, handling of the boat, and a static thrust test of the
engine/propeller combination.
4 6.8 Towing device
The contractor shall demonstrate to the Government
representatives the ability of the towing device to sustain six times the rated
thrust of the boat-engine-propeller combination for 5 minutes without causing
visible damage to the hull structure in the areas around the connections to the
hull or to any other area of the towing device.
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