| ![]() MIL-P-45575
(CopieS of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications re-
quired by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions
should be obtained from the procuring actitity or as directed by the
contracting officer.)
2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of
this specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise
indicated, the issue in effect on date of incitation for bids or re-
quest for proposal shall apply.
American National Standards Institute
ANSI B46.1 Surface Texture
(Applications for copies should be addressed to the American National
Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, New York 10018.)
3.1 Bid samples. Unless otherwise specified in the contract, each
bidder shall furnish three pistols of the design he proposes to supply
for test and evaluation for determination of compliance with this speci-
fication and such other characteristics as may be desired by the Govern-
ment (see 4.4). Pistols shall be representative of the latest commerci-
ally available design, modified as necessary to meet this specification.
Unless otherwise specified, bid sample pistols shall be prepared for "
delivery in accordance with level C requirements (see 6.2) and shall be
forwarded to the test and evaluation agency specified in the contract.
Along with the submitted bid sample, each bidder shall indicate the
commerical nomenclature, and catalog or part number of the samples
3.1.1 Upon award of the contract, samples submitted by the success-
ful bidder and approved by the evaluation and test agency will be re-
tained for use by the contractor and the Government as inspection stan-
dards. These standards shall apply to all characteristics for which
definite requirements are not prescribed.
3.1.2 For continuation orders when bid sample may not be required,
the contractor shall furnish manufacturing models and provide the Govern-
ment representative with inspection and test records attesting that the
items furnished are physically and fictionally equivalent to the bid
samples which were approved by the Government on prior contract.
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