| ![]() MIL-P-45575
3.2.4 Firing Mechanism. The firing mechanism shall not release
when the slide or bolt is released and allowed to go forward into battery
position. Disconnector. The firing mechanism shall have a discon-
nector between it and the trigger to prevent the pistols from firing
tiny automatic. Firing Pin. The firing pin shall not be capable of being
energized unless the bolt or slide is within .090 inch of being closed.
3.2.5 Trigger. The trigger shall function throughout its full
range of travel and shall return to its normal forward position immedi-
ately upon release after partial or complete trigger pull.
3.2.6 Magazine. The magazine shall assemble.readily into the
pistol grip and be held firmly in place by the magazine catch. When the
magazine catch is operated, it shall permit removal of the magazine.
3.2.7 Safety. When the pistol is cocked, the safety shall be
movable manually between the "safe" position and the "fire" position,
and it shall remain in the position set until reset manually. When
the safety is in the "safe" position, it shall not be possible to fire
the pistol. When the safety is in the "fire" position, the firing
mechanism shall release when the trigger is pulled.
3.2.8 Sights. Pistols shall have a square-topped, vertically
parallel-sided front blade and a square-notched rear sight of the patridge
type. The front sight shall be fixed and shall have no looseness. The
rear sight shall be adjustable for windage and elevation. Adjustments
shall be of a positive self-locking click adjustment type such that after
adjustment, the sight shall maintain its setting during normal firing
conditions. The degree Of adjustment per Click shall be 1/2 inch or
less at 25 yards.
3.2.9 Slide or bolt stop. Pistols shall be equipped with a manual
stop mechanism for locking the slide or bolt in the open (rearward)
position. When the manual stop mechanism is in the "hold" position, it
Shall continue to hold the slide or bolt open until moved manually to the
"release" position or released by pulling the slide to the rear, then
letting it run forward when the magazine is withdrawn or loaded. Moving
the manual stop to the "release" position sha11 permit the slide or bolt
to return under spring action to the battery position, unless the bolt
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