| ![]() MIL-P-45575
to the endurance test and failure of either pistol shall be cause for
rejection of the reconditioned lot. Packaging. Testing of packaging of pistols shall be per-
formed in accordance with MIL-P-14313.
4.5.4 Inspection equipment. Acquisition, calibration, maintenance and disposition.
Unless otherwise specified, responsibility for acquisition, calibration,
maintenance and disposition of acceptance inspection and test equipment
shall be in accordance with MIL-I4507 (see 6.2). Accuracy of standard measuring equipment. When commerical
and modified commercial inspection and test equipment is used, it must
be capable of repetitive measurements to an accuracy of 10 percent of
the total tolerance of the characteristic being inspected.
4.6 Test methods.
4.6.1 Trigger pull test. Pistols shall be tested using a Govern-
ment approved measuring device. The pistol shall be cocked and the
safety shall be in the "fire" position. The load shall be gradually
applied to the center of the trigger and exerted in a line parallel to
the axis of barrel bore. The trigger pull shall also be checked for
creep by applying pressure manually to the trigger at a uniform rate of
increase over a period of not less than three seconds.
4.6.2 High-pressure
resistance test. pistols shall be tested by
firing one high-pressure
test cartridge in each pistol. After proof
firing, pistols shall be
visually examined for cracks, deformations, and
other evidence of damage
and cartridge cases shall be examined for bulges$
splits, rings, and other
defects caused by defective barrels.
4.6.3 Function firing test. Pistols shall be tested by firing at
least one fully loaded magazine each (using the magazine furnished with
the pistol) of standard and high velocity, long rifle, caliber .22,
commerical cartridges. During this test the last five rounds of each
magazine shall be fired within a the period of 1.5 seconds. The pistol
shall also be checked for the function requirements of the safety,
disconnecetor, slide or bolt stop.
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