| ![]() MIL-P-45592(WC)
3.2.13 High pressure resistance. Pistols shall be capable of with
standing the firing of one high-pressure test cartridge that develops a
mean breech pressure of 31,000 to 33,000 pounds per square inch. After
proof firing, pistols shall be free of cracks, seams and other injurious
defects. The cartridge cases shall be free of bulges, splits, rings and
other defects which would indicate a defective barrel,
3.2.14 Functioning firing. Pistols shall operate without mal-
functions when firing five rounds from the magazine. At the completion
of the test there shall be no evidence of broken or unserviceable parts,
ruptured or punctured cartridge cases, loose stocks or screws, or other
unacceptable conditions. Malfunctions attributable to defective ammunition
shall not be counted against the pistol being tested.
3.2.15 Targeting. The rear sight shall be capable of being zeroed
to the pistol at the applicable range and still have additional windage
and elevation adjustment remaining in both directions. A series of 5
shots fired from the pistol at a range of 5O yards shall be within or
cut the edge of a bull's-eye 3 inches in diameter when firing match
cartridges as specified in
3.2.16 Dispersion. The average extreme spread, measured from center
to center of shot holes, of 3 consecutive groups of 10 shots each fired
from the pistol at a range of 5O yards shall not exceed 2.00 inches, when
firing match cartridges as specified in
3.2.17 Enchrance. Pistols shall be capable of passing without malfunction
or unserviceable parts a 2000 round endurance test using standard velocity
grade cartridges as specified in At the comletion of the test,
pistols shall meet the trigger pull, targeting, and accuracy requirements
of this specification (see 3.2.12, 3.2.15, and 3.2.16). Malfunctions at-
tributable to defective ammunition shall not be counted against the pistol
being tested.
3.3 Marking. Unless otherwise specified in procurement documents
(see 6.2), pistols shall be marked in accordance with the marking pro.
visions of MIL-W-13855. The letters "U.S." and the serial number shall
be marked on the exterior surface of the receiver of the pistol,
3.4 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be in accordance with the re-
quirements of MIL-w-13855 and the approved manufacturing models (see 3.1.1).
4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in
the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the per-
formance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as
otherwise specified, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities
suitable for the performance of the inspection requiements specified
herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves
the right to perform any of the inspection set forth in the specification
where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure that supplies and
services conform to prescribed requirements.
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