| ![]() MIL-R-1296F(AR)
4.4.4 Packaging examination and testinq. Unless otherwise
specified (see 6.2), the packaging examination and testing shall
be in accordance with MIL-P-116.
4.4.5 Inspection
equipment. Inspection equipment designs. The inspection
equipment required to perform the examinations and tests
prescribed herein is described in the applicable paragraphs. The
contractor shall submit for approval inspection equipment designs
in accordance with the terms of the contract (see 6.2 and 6.3). Ammunition. Cartridges used in various tests shall
be as specified in 3.3, 3.3.4, and When functioning,
targeting and accuracy tests are performed concurrently;
cartridge specified in shall be used. Malfunctions
attributable to defective ammunition shall not be counted against
the rifle being tested.
4.5 Methods
4.5.1 Trigger pull test. The trigger guard or stock may be
removed to facilitate this test it its removal, absence or
replacement can be demonstrated to have no effect on test
results. prior to each phase of this test the rifle shall be
cocked. All loads shall be applied gradually to the center of
the finger area of the trigger and exerted in a line parallel to
the axis of the bore. The safety shall be put in the fire
position. The weight of pull shall be adjusted until a two (2)
pound weight causes the firing pin to fall. The rifle shall be
cocked and the safety shall be put one. A ten (10) pound weight
shall be applied to the trigger. The firing pin must not fall
The load shall be removed and then the safety shall be moved to
the firing position. The firing pin must not fall. The actual
weight of pull needed to cause the firing pin to fall shall be
measured five times. The average weight of pull shall be
calculated. The average shall be not less than one and one-half
(1 1/2), nor more than two (2) pounds. No reading may be more
than four (4) ounces from the average. The weight of pull shall
then be adjusted until a four (4) pound load will cause the
firing pun to fall. The actual weight of pull needed to cause
the firing pin to fall shall be measured five times. The average
weight of pull shall be calculated. The average shall be not
less than four (4) nor more than four and one half (4 1/2)
pounds. No reading may be more than four (4) ounces from the
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