| ![]() MIL-P-45694(Ord)
3.6 O p e r a b i l i t y . - The dial shall rotate freely about
its 6400 - mil gyration. The pivot pin shall not revolve in the
base. The dial shall be removable from the base with normal
pressure and without causing permanent distortion.
3.7 M a r k i n g a n d l e g i b i l i t y . - The top face of the dial shall
have a matte surface that will permit clear pencil markings and
clean erasures. There shall be no visible defects such as pits,
digs, scratches with depth, strains or other waves on the surface
that may be mistaken for pencil markings, or shall cause lines or
figures to appear distorted. Lines and figures on the base, as
viewed through the dial shall be clear and legible without skips
or brakes.
3.8 A c c u r a c y . - With one extremity of the dial index line
in coincidence with each of the diametrical center lines of the
base. the other extremity of the index line shall be not more
than 5 miles out of coincidence with the corresponding base center
The plotting board accuracy for the gun target (GT) line
shall be within 5.0 mils as determined by placing pencil dots at
the target (T) and gun (G) points as measured from observer (O)
represented by the center pivoting point of the dial) using the
OT and OG values specified below. When a line is drawn through
the GT dots, the GT line is then layed parallel to the base "O"
centerline and the GT mil value is determined from the mil scale
on the dial (see 6.4).
GT = 2702 Mils
GT = 348 Mils
GT = 6159 Mils
(as read by
the red
3.9 W a r p a g e . - T h e r e s h a l l b e n o w a r p a g e i n e x c e s s o f 0 . 0 3 2
between the edge of the dial and the base.
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