| MIL-P-4661OE(MU)
4.2.1 Initial production sample.-At the beginning of regular production,
a sample shall be submitted in accordance with contract requirements and shall
consist of 3000 primers. The sample shall be manufactured using the same
materials, equipment, processes and procedures as will be used in regular pro-
duction. All parts and materials, including packaging and packing, shall be
the same as used for regular production and shall be obtained from the same
source of supply. Examination and test.-After inspection and provisional acceptance
at source, the sample shall be inspected for all requirements of the drawings
and specifications at a government laboratory or such other facility specified
in the contract. Initial production sample failure.-Failure of the sample to
comply with the requirements of the drawings and specifications shall result
in sample disapproval. Determination as to acceptability of any initial
production sample shall be based upon-results of initial tests only, and
no second tests shall be permitted on that initial production sample.
4.3 Inspection provisions.
4.301 Lot. Submission of product.-The product shall be submitted in accordance
with MIL-STD-105. Lot identification.-Each lot of primers shall be identified as
to type, number, and the cartridge caliber in which they are to be used, as well
as with a lot number and the supplier's identification as assigned by the pro-
curing activity. Each lot shall be further identified by a Federal Stock Number
assigned by the procuring activity.
4.3.2 Examination.-One hundred percent examination shall be performed for
Critical and Major A defects. Examination for Major B and Minor defects shall
be performed on a class basis in accordance with the classification of defects,
Table I, using applicable sampling plans and acceptance criteria of MIL-STD-105.
The acceptable quality level (AQL) for the Major B class shall be 0.065 percent
and the AQL for the Minor class shall be 1.50 percent. If any Critical or Major
A defects are detected during sampling inspection, the lot shall be rejected.
All non-conforming primers shall be rejected. Classification of defects.-The classification of defects shall be
as specified in Table I.
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