| ![]() MIL-P-48189D(AR)
Four (4) rounds for the I.C. and two (2) rounds for the
remaining listed components containing 36 mines each shall be
fired for evaluation. Each mine shall contain the
component/components for qualification. A control group of
projectiles equalling the number of qualification rounds shall
be fired at the same time and under the same conditions for
one-to-one comparison purposes. An optional loading of the
projectiles is to load each projectile with an equal number of
qualification mines and control mines. The total number of
projectiles fired at YPG for qualification shall be equally
divided and preconditioned at hot (145F) and cold (-25F)
The rounds, with applicable ballistic charges, will be
soaked at temperature for a minimum of 24 hours. They shall
then be fired as quickly as possible after being removed from
the temperature conditioning chamber. All mines
(qualification and control) used for component qualification
purposes shall be non-hazardous devices. These mines shall be
loaded into projectiles at a Government approved loading
3.17.2 Pass/fail criteria. Pass/fail criteria for
qualification components will be as follows:
a. Electrical and mechanical laboratory tests. The componets
must pass all tests to the specified sampling plan for
qualification as defined on the applicable component drawings
and specification, otherwise the qualification sample shall be
Yuma Ballistic Test. Acceptance of the Qualification
Sample shall be based upon an overall reliability of 95% at a
confidence level of 90% at the component Level. If performance
does not achieve this level, a comparison will be made against
the qualified components fired at the same time. If the
measured reliability of the Qualification Sample equals or
exceeds the reliability of the qualified component, the
Qualification Sample will be accepted and that vendors part be
accepted for use.
c. Yuma Ballistic Test (for I.C. P/N 9298507 only). In
addition to the criteria described in 3.17.2 (2) above, the
following applies.
(1) A minimum of 200 mines of the 288 ballistically fired
must be recovered. 0 to 200 recovered, 100 mines must contain
the qualified ADAM I.C. and 100 must contain the Qualification
Sample . All lost mines will be considered "NO TEST" devices.
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