| ![]() MIL-P-48189D(AR)
b. Any tripline from either breakwire circuit shall be
selected for an activation attempt.
c. A digital readout force gage shall be attached to the lead
and an axial force shall then be applied to the device under
d. The tripline with gage attached shall be pulled in a
straight line along the sensor cavity axis until the unit
functions. The force at which the mine functions shall be
recorded or the force at which the tripline thread or other
components fail.
e. If the mine functions after breakage of the thread or
other components, the mine is considered to have successfully
functioned on the breakwire mode. The mine shall be classed
defective if it fails to function in accordance with any of the
specified criteria. Record all data.
In the event the mine fails to fire on first breakwire attempt,
the following procedure shall be followed:
f. The mine shall be tested for anti-disturbance functioning
in accordance with the procedures of and the
requirements of 3.11.1.
If the mine fails to function in the anti-disturbance mode,
another tripline from the adjacent breakwire circuit shall be
tested as noted above for breakwire functioning for information
purposes only.
If the mine fails to function in the second breakwire
attempt, it shall be left to time out for self destruct
h. If the mine fails to function self destruct it shall be
tested in accordance with 4.5.17 for the hazardous dud
requirements of 3.13.2 (Destruction test). Self destruct function. The mines selected for self
destruct functioning shall be fl agged and monitored for detonation.
times. All times of detonations, early or normal, shall be recorded
(Destructive test).
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