| MIL-P-48451A(MU)
a. Datum Plane "B" (Reference Drawhg F9619900) shall lie in
a vertical planes Datum Plane "A" (Reference Drawing F8619900) shall be
in a horizontal plane.
b. Elevation input arm shall be positioned as indicated on Draw-
ing F8619900.
NOTE: At no time shall the Arm Assembly 8635116 and Arm 8619845 be
allowed to strike hard against their respective stop pins.
c. The requirements of to inclusive, shall be
met with:
(1) The eyepiece of the daylight system focused on the re-
(2) The eyepiece of the passive system focused on the screen
of the image intensifier tube.
(3) A 1200 meter target provided for both the daylight and
passive systems.
d. Focus passive elbow assembly by rotating objective focusing
Ring 11733436 for best resolution of target (1200 meters) image.
3.8.2 Parallax.- Parallax between the reticle and the image of a
target at 1200 meters shall not exceed 0.2 mil.
3.8.3 Collimation.-
These requirements shall be met prior to meeting
the requirements of 3.6.
a. An incident line of sight which is perpendicular within 0.2
mil to Datum Plane "B".
b. The elevation input arm positioned in accordance with Draw-
ing F8619900. Pre-vibration setting.- Rotate daylight and passive bore-
sight knobs to establish coincidence of each boresight cross with the in-
coming lines of sight (see 3.8.3a, prior to meeting requirements of 3.6. Daylight viewing area.
a. Elevation knob travel.- The boresight knob shall provide a
minimum travel of 5.0 mils up and 8.0 mils down from the collimation sett-
ing of 3.8.3a.
b. Deflection knob travel.- The boresight knob shall provide
a minimum travel of 6.5 mils in each direction from the collimated sett-
ing of 3.8.3a.
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