| ![]() MIL-P-48571(MU) Focusing mechanism - Passive.- Standard torque measuring equip-
ment capable of measuring the torque values specified in 3.5.3 shall be uti-
lized for this test. An appropriate adapter, to accommodate Ring 11733436
shall be used with the torque measuring equipment. Torque shall be meas-
ured while rotating the ring through the range specified in 3.5.3. The
running torque required to rotate Ring 11733436 shall conform to the appli-
cable requirements of 3.5.3 for the temperatures indicated. Disengagement of boresight knob locks - Daylight and Passive.-
Standard measuring equipment capable of measuring the force values speci-
fied in 3.5.4 shall be utilized for this test. The force required to dis-
engage each boresight knob from the lock position shall conform to the
applicable requirements of 3.5.4 for the temperatures indicated, Rotation of boresight knobs - Daylight and Passive.- Standard
torque measuring equipment capable of measuring the torque values specified
in 3.5.5 shall be utilized for this test. An appropriate adapter, to ac-
commodate the boresight knobs shall be used with the torque measuring
equipment. Torque shall be measured while rotating each boresight knob
through the range specified in 3.5.5. The running torque required to ro-
tate each boresight knob shall. conform to the applicable requirements of
3.5.5 for the temperature indicated. Shutter lever and on-off switch - Passive.- Standard torque
measuring equipment capable of measuring the torque values specified in 3.5.6
shall be utilized for this test. The torque required to rotate the shutter
lever from the off to on position and then back-to the off position shall
conform to the applicable-requirements of 3.5.6 for the temperatures indicated. Gain adjust and reticle brightness control - Passive.- Manu-
ally operate the Knob MS 91528-0E1B. The knob shall meet the requirements
specified in 3.5.7, at the temperatures, indicated in 3.4.2 in addition to
the standard ambient temperature (+60 to +90F). Focusing lock - Daylight.- A torque wrench capable of apply-
ing the specified torque values in 3.5.8, together with a standard type
driver bit that properly fits the screw slot of the locking screw and ec-
centric, shall be utilized for performing this test. With the specified
torque applied to the locking screw and while observing the eccentric,
apply, in a clockwise direction, the specified torque to the eccentric.
Then, while still observing the eccentric, apply, in a counterclockwise
direction, the specified torque to the eccentric. To conform to the require-
ments of 3.5.8, there shall be no rotation of the eccentric when observed
during each torque application. Objective focusing mechanism - Daylight.- Back off the locking
screw of Housing 11727432 a minimum of two full revolutions from its locked
position. Torque shall be measured while rotating the eccentric through
the range specified in 3.5.9. The running torque required to rotate the
eccentric shall conform to the applicable requirements of 3.5.9 for the
temperatures indicated.
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