| ![]() MIL-P-48571(MU)
to the position in 3.8.2 and torque the locking screw as specified in 3.5.8.
Periscopes which have passed the above tests of through in-
clusive, shall be subjected to the tests in 4.6.3.
4.6.3 Vibration/Shock (Periscope).- Collimation, Pre-Vibration/Pre-Shock setting.- This test and
the following test of shall be performed with the periscope posi-
tioned and adjusted as in 4.6.6. Prior to performing these tests, disen-
gage the index pin "D" from the index plate of the test fixture and place
the 10 second level on Surface "C" of the leveling base. The bubble of the
level shall be centered within its graduation lines. If it is not, then
further adjustment is required in accordance with the procedures prescribed
in paragraphs 7 and 8 of the set-up instructions contained on Dwg. F8247391.
With the index pin "D" disengaged from the index plate and surface "C" of
the leveling base level, view through each periscope eyepiece (daylight and
passive) and obtain coincidence of each periscope reticle boresight cross
respectively, and the projected target image cross-lines by means of the
boresight knobs (do not slip knob scales). When coincidence has been ob-
tained, record the boresight knob scale settings for use in the test in
NOTE: Insure that knob scales are not disturbed (re-slipped) from their
original recorded settings throughout remainder of tests herein. Vibration "A".- Prior to performing this test, the periscope
shall be subjected to the test procedure specified in to determine
compliance with 3.8.3. Subsequent to the test of, the periscope
shall be vibrated in accordance with Test Method 514.2, Procedure VIII
(Tracked Vehicles) of MIL-STD-810, except the test level and frequency range
shall be as specified in 3.6.1. Vibration shall be applied along each of
three mutually perpendicular axes of the periscope. Vibrating equipment
capable of providing the test level and frequency ranges specified above
shall be utilized for this test. The vibrating equipment shall be in ac-
cordance with the "tolerance of Test Conditions" specified in the "General
Requirements" of MIL-STD-810. The vibrating equipment shall also be cap-
able of vibrating the periscope along three mutually perpendicular axes
while the periscope is maintained in it's normal mounting or operating posi-
tion (as depicted in the front view on Sheet 1 of Drawing F11747400). The
periscope shall be clamped on the vibrating equipment by means of an appro-
priate adapter having the same interface features as Mount Periscope: M118E1.
The input coupling shall be immobilized to any position that shall prevent
it from contacting the travel stops during vibration. Prior to vibration,
the Image intensifier tube and the reticle projector lamp shall be energized
in accordance with 3.6.1. After allowing 15 second tube stabilization period,
the screen surface of the tube shall be illuminated and the reticle pattern
shall be projected into the optical system when observed through the peri-
scope eyepiece (passive). The periscope shall then be vibrated in accord-
ance with the test procedure specified above and swept logarithmically for
the time period specified in 3.6.1. During each vibration sweep cycle, the
screen surface of the tube and the reticle pattern shall be monitored to
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