| ![]() MIL-P-48571(MU) Daylight viewing area. Elevation knob travel.- Establish coincidence of the peri-
scope reticle boresight cross and the projected target image crosslines by
means of the boresight knobs. While observing the boresight cross (inter-
secting point), rotate the elevation knob in the clockwise direction. The
boresight cross shall travel as specified in 3.8.3.l.la as measured on the
target. Re-establish coincidence of the reticle boresight cross and the
projected target image crosslines by means of the boresight knobs. While
observing the boresight cross, rotate the elevation knob in the counter-
clockwise direction. The boresight cross shall travel as specified in
3.8.3.l.la as measured on the target. Deflection knob travel.- Perform this test utilizing the
procedure in except, the deflection knob shall be rotated in the
clockwise and counterclockwise direction. Boresight cross (intersecting
point) travel shall meet the requirements specified in 3.8.3.l.lb as meas-
ured on the target. Line of sight variation.- Establish coincidence of the peri-
scope reticle boresight cross and the projected target image crosslines by
means of the boresight knobs, While observing the intersecting point of
the reticle boresight cross, rotate the deflection knob to its clockwise
stop. During this rotation of the deflection knob, any variation in ele-
vation in the line of sight through the periscope reticle boresight crossz
shall not exceed the values specified in Re-establish coinci-
dence of the periscope reticle boresight cross and the projected target
image crosslines by means of the boresight knobs. While observing the in-
tersecting point of the periscope reticle boresight cross, rotate the de-
flection knob to its counterclockwise stop. During this rotation of the
deflection knob, any variation in elevation in the line of sight through
the periscope reticle boresight cross shall not exceed the values specified
in to determine overall conformance with the requirements speci-
fied therein. Passive viewing area. Elevation knob travel.- Establish coincidence of the peri-
scope reticle boresight cross and the projected target image crosslines by
means of the boresight knobs. While observing the boresight cross (inter-
secting point), rotate the elevation knob in the clockwise direction. The
boresight cross shall travel as specified in 3.8.3.l.2a as measured on the
target. lie-establish coincidence of the reticle boresight cross and the
projected target image crosslines by means of the boresight knobs. While
observing the boresight cross, rotate the elevation knob in the counter-
clockwise direction. The boresight cross shall travel as specified in
3.8.3.l.2a, as measured on the target.
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