| ![]() MIL-P-50774A(AR)
4.4.4 (Cont)
If two or more units of the sample fail to comply with the corrosion
resistance requirement, the lot shall be rejected. If one unit fails to
comply with the requirement, a second sample consisting of the same number
of units as specified for the first sample shall be tested. If in the
accumulated samples, two or more units fail to comply with the corrosion
resistance requirement, the lot shall be rejected.
The occurrence of one or more of the following casualties, as witnessed
by hole(s) in the fragmentation screen(s), or recovery of the Part(s) or
fragment(s) shall be cause for rejection of the lot, except as otherwise
Body breakup.
Loss of nose.
c. Complete rotating band separation. This is defined as detachment
of all of the band having band seat knurling imprint.
d. partial rotating band separation. This is defined as detachment of
part of the band having band seat knurling imprint.
e. The following acceptance criteria shall apply to thrown band fragments
having no evidence of band seat knurling imprint:
(1) The lot will be accepted if two or less assmblies throw band
fragments having length not greater than 0.500 inch.
(2) The lot will be rejected if three or more assemblies throw
band fragments having length not greater than 0.500 inch.
(3) The lot will be rejected if any assembly throws a band fragment
having length greater than 0.500 inch (indicative of deep-seated band
(4) The lot will not be penalized for band particles thrown as a
result of normal band fringing or slivering.
4.4.5 Packaging, packing, and marking inspection. Inspection for packaging,
packing and container marking shall be in accordance with the quality
assurance provisions of MIL-STD-1169.
4.4.6 Inspection equipment. Index of Inspection Equipment List (LI) 11075781
identifies the applicable inspection equipment required to perform examination
and tests as specified herein. Equipment design(s) shall be in accordance
with the applicable code designations. The code designations are defined
on Dwg. B11075228, a detail of LI 11075781. The provisions of MIL-A-2550
shall apply.
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