| ![]() MIL-P-63332(AR)
with dry nitrogen gas to an internal pressure of 3 0.5 psig. The nitgrogen
gas shall have a dew point at least as low as -25F. The head assembly and
body assembly (periscope) shall be exposed to the temperatures specified in
3.6 utilizing testing equipment in accordance with the "Test Facilities"
requirements of MIL-F-13926. The head assembly and body assembly shall be
placed in the test chamber and the temperature of the chamber reduced
gradually (see Note 1) to -80F.. The head assembly shall remain at this
temperature for a minimum of 2 hours. The body assembly shall remain at this
temperature for a minimum of 5 hours. At the completion of the applicable 2
hour and 5 hour periods, the surrounding temperature of the head and body
assemblies shall be gradually raised to +160F. The head and body assem-
blies shall remain at this temperature for a minimum of 2 hours and 5 hours
respectively. At the completion of the respective 2 hour and 5 hour periods
the temperature of the test chamber shall be gradually reduced to room ambient
temperature (+60 to +90F), and the head assembly and body assembly
removed from the test chamber. The shipping covers shall be removed from the
head assembly and body assembly. The head assembly, body assembly and ship-
ping covers shall then be subjected to the visual, tactile and audible exami-
nation of 4.6.6. The head assembly, body assembly and shipping covers shall
show no evidence of physical failure as specified in 3.6. Caution shall be
exercised during this test to avoid subjecting the head assembly and body
assembly to thermal shock.
The rate of temperature change in the test chamber shall not
exceed 20 degrees per hour throughout the temperature cycling
tests of 4.6.1 and 4.6.2.
4.6.2 Extreme operating temperature. The head assembly and body assembly
subjected this test shall its shipping cover installed. The head
assembly and body assembly shall be pressurized with dry nitrogen gas to an
internal pressure of 3 0.5 psig. The nitrogen gas shall have a dew point at
least as low as -25F. The testing equipment utilized in this test shall be
in accordance with the "Test Facilities" requirements of MIL-F-L3926 and the
conditions of 3.7. The head assembly and body assembly shall be placed in the
test chamber and the temperature of the chamber reduced gradually (see Note 1)
to -65F. The head assembly shall remain at this temperature for a minimum
of 2 hours.
The body assembly shall remain at this temperature for a minimum
of 5 hours. At the completion of the applicable 2 hour and 5 hour period, and
while at -65F, the head assembly and body assembly shall be subjected to
the test in 4.6.12 and 4.6.13. Upon completion of this test the surrounding
temperature of the head and body assemblies shall be gradually raised to
+150F,. The head and body assemblies shall remain at this temperature for
a minimum of 2 hours and 5 hours respectively. At the completion of the
applic- able 2 hour and 5 hour period, and while at +l50F, the head
assembly and body assembly shall be subjected to the test in 4.6.12 and
4.6.13. Upon completion of this test the temperature of the test chamber
shall be gradually reduced to room ambient temperature (+60 to +90F) and
the head assembly and body assembly removed from the test chamber. The head
and body assemblies shall conform to the requirements of 3.7. Caution shall
be exercised during this test to avoid subjecting the head assembly, body
assembly and shipping covers to thermal shock.
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