| ![]() MIL-P-63332(AR)
4.6.3 Line of sight orientation pre-vibration. The periscope shall be
positioned as specified in 3.8 utilizing special testing equipment comforming
to Energize the periscope. Set the focusing knob of the periscope
for the appropriate range setting for this test. Adjust the diopter knob of
the periscope for best focus of the phosphor grain on the screen of the image
tube, while viewing through the periscope eyepiece. Adjust the periscope
reticle for best intensity. Obtain coincidence of the horizontal and vertical
reticle lines of the periscope and the target image crosslines by means of the
periscope boresight knobs. While maintaining the coincidence of reticle lines
and target image lines, slip the scales of the boreslght knob scales to zero,
remove the mounting plate assembly ( with periscope from the line
of sight test stand ( Position the mounting plate assembly with
periscope on the vibration test stand ( and subject the periscope
to the test in 4.6.4. Caution must be exercised during this transfer of the
mounting plate assembly. All unnecessary shocks which would tend to render
the testing equipment inaccurate for subsequent tests shall be avoided.
4.6.4 Vibration of periscope. Perform this test with the periscope and
equipment positioned, as specified in 3.8, on special testing equipment that
conforms to Energize the periscope, image intensifier tube and
reticle projector. The periscope shall be vibrated in accordance with Proce-
dure IX, Part 1, of MIL-STD-810, except that the frequency, frequency cycling
and amplitude of vibration, shall be as specified in 3.8. During the vibra-
tion cycle the periscope shall be subjected to a visual examination. The
periscope shall conform to the requirements of 3.8e and 3.8f. Immediately
following the vibration cycle, and prior to the examination for evidence of
physical failure the periscope shall be subjected to the test in 4.6.5. Cau-
tion shall again be exercised during transfer of the mounting plate assembly
with the periscope. Upon completion of the test in 4.6.5 the periscope shall
be subjected to the tests specified in 4.6.6.
4.6.5 Line of sight retention post vibration. Conduct this test subse-
quent to vibration and prior to the examination for physical failure result-
ing from vibration. Position the mounting plate assembly ( with
the periscope on the line of sight test stand as in 4.6.3. Inspect the peri-
scope boresight knobs for any evidence of rotation from their "zero" setting
established in 4.6.3. Observe the periscope horizontal and vertical reticle
lines with respect to the target image crosslines. Any lack of coincidence
between the periscope reticle lines and the target image line shall not exceed
the periscope boresight knobs.
4.6.6 Examination. Subsequent to vibration the periscope shall be
thoroughly examined for any evidence of physical failure. A visual and tac-
tile examination shall be made for missing or damaged parts. A tactile
examination shall also be conducted to determine looseness or improper func-
tioning of moving parts, where applicable. An audible examination shall be
made of the periscope by shaking it and listening for loose internal parts or
broken components. Any one of the possible defects defined above shall be
cause to consider any assembly defective. The periscope shall be subjected to
the tests tn 4.6.7 through 4.6.13 inclusive to determine overall compliance to
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