| ![]() MIL-P-64036(AR) Tension test. Projectile body. From bodies selected in accordance with
Table I and, two tension test specimens, conforming to the
"T" type specimen prescribed in figure 1 of appendix 1, shall be
taken longitudinally from each side of the body 180 degrees apart.
Equipment and procedures shall be as prescribed by ASTM E-8. Adapter. Tension test specimens shall conform to
the largest standard round specimen obtainable in accordance with
ASTM E-8. The test shall be performed using equipment and
procedures prescribed by ASTM-E8. See Air pressure test. Each projectile shall be cleaned of
dirt, grease, oil, chips or other foreign matter. Immediately after
the cleaning operation each projectile shall be assured to be dry,
and then the air pressure test will be conducted. This test shall
be made using equipment capable of performing the test accurately
and consistently. Body assemblies shall be mounted in an approved
fixture in such a manner that the braze joint shall be submerged in
water, then the required air pressure shall be applied and held for
a minimum of 15 seconds. The water in the tank shall be permitted
to settle after immersion of the assemblies prior to the start of
timing. Observation for leakage shall be made for 360 degrees of
periphery for the entire time the assembly is required to be
pressurized. The equipment shall be calibrated at the start of each
day's operation, at intervals of 4 hours and after a stoppage of 3
hours or more. Joint quality. The samples, selected in accordance
with Table I and, shall be sectionalized as follows:
(a) The body portion of the projectile assembly to the
rear of the nose adapter braze shall be removed in such a manner
that no portion of the braze joint will be damaged.
(b) The remaining portion of the body containing the
nose adapter shall then be sectioned into four segments by cutting
vertically through the adapter and body.
(c) The brazed areas of the four pieces of brazed
adapter and body shall be visually examined to determine compliance
with 3.7.1. Failure of any sample shall cause referral of the lot.
The test shall be conducted using Salt spray test.
component parts painted at the same time in the same equipment as
other deliverable parts. The salt solution, equipment, preparation
of test parts, test procedures and drying time shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-810 Method 509.2 (salt fog). After drying,
any evidence of paint failure, non-adhesion or corrosion on a
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