| ![]() Remove approximately 100 grams, dry weight,
4.3.1 Before alumination.
of sample from the process filter cake just prior to acumination and place
Seal the bottle with wax and label to show
in a glass-stoppered bottle.
the material, manufacturer, plant, number of pounds in the lot, lot
number, and the contract or order number.
Select a minimum of 10 percent of the containers
4.3.2 After alumination,
in the lot or one container if there are less than 10 containers in the lot.
Take from each selected container a sample of approximately 100 grams and
Seal the bottle with wax, and label to
place in a glass-stoppered bottle,
show the material, manufacturer, plant, number of pounds in the lot, lot
All applicable acceptance tests shall
number, and contract or order number,
Laboratory examination of the samples of
be made on every primary sample.
the finished product shall be made within 5 hours after removal from the
sealed bottles.
Examination shall be made in accordance with the
4.4 Examination.
requirements of MIL-STD-105.
Test procedures.
(a) Before alumination.
(1) Preparation of sample. Dry the sample, taken in
accordance with 4.3.1, for 4 hours in a vacuum oven at 60
(2) Selective sedimentation test for particles of les.
than 10 microns diameter.
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