| ![]() MLL-P-670A
3.4.1 White phosphorus.
When tested in accordance with 4.5.7. the
content of white phosphorus shall be a maximum of 0.01 percent.
When tested in accordance with 4.5.5, the alumina content
3.5 Alumina.
shall be 2,5
0.5 percent calculated as
3.6 The phosphorus, red, stabilized powder shall be free flowing and
free from lumps.
4.1 Responsibility for inspection.
Unless otherwise specified in the
contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance
of all inspection. requirements as specified herein.
Except as otherwise
specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial
laboratory acceptable to the Government.
The Government reserves the right
to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such
inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to
prescribed requirements.
4..2 Lot.
Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, a lot
shall consist of 1,000 pounds or fraction thereof of the material submitted
for inspection at one time.
Samples taken by the inspector for the purpose of tests
4.3 Sampling.
prescribed in this specification shall be selected in a manner as to
correctly represent the material furnished and avoid needless destruction
of finished material when samples representative of the material are
available from other sources.
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