| ![]() MIL-P-70499 (AR)
5.1 Preservation, packaging, packing and marking. The Power
Module Assemblies shall be preserved, packaged and marked in
accordance with the requirements of the Preservation and ackaging
Data Sheet for P11834203 at the level of protection specified in
the contract (see 6.2b).
5.1.1 Spare parts or replacement parts. Spare parts or
replacement parts shall be cleaned, preserved, packaged as
specified in the contract or order.
5.2 Commercial packaging of supplies and equipment.
Commercial packaging shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-1188.
6.1 Intended use. The Power Module Assembly covered by this
specification is intended for use with the Electronics System Test
Set, M137 on Armament Sybsystem, Helicopter, 20MM: Automatic
Gun: M97E1 and M97E2 and its related components.
Procurement documents shall specify the
6.2 Ordering data.
6.2.1 Procurement requirements
Title, number and date of this specification.
b. Quantity required and delivery schedules.
c. Serialization requirements, if applicable.
d. Quality Conformance Inspection, if other than spcified in
Section 4 of this specification.
e. First Article sample requirements, if other than specified
in Section 4 of this specification.
f. Packaging requirements, if other than specified in Section
5 of this specification.
g. Certificates of conformance for each lot or shipment of
product as specified in MIL-W-63150.
h. Spare parts required.
i. Replacement parts schedules.
j. Marking requirements for shipment.
k. QAPS required
6.2.2 Contract data requirements. Contract data requirements
for inspection equipment design shall conform to Data Item
Description DI-R-1714, Tailored.
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