| ![]() MIL-P-82530(OS)
b. Take the necessary action, with the concurrence of the procuring
activity, to correct or eliminate the defect from all units in the
lot and, if so directed by the procuring activity, from those units
previously shipped.
Submit to the procuring activity for approval the proposed cor-
rective action to prevent recurrence of the defect.
4.3.4 Quality conformance inspection sampling. Samples shall be selected
and tested to determine the acceptability of the primer as specified in 4.6.
4.4 Test equipment and test conditions.
4 . 4 . 1 Quality conformance inspection equipment. The following items of
test equipment are required to per form the quality conformance inspection tests:
Measure resistance over approximate
Ohmm et er, current limited
range of 0 to 1. 0 ohm with an accuracy
of 0. 005 ohm and maximum current
limited to less than 10 milliamperes.
Measure insulation resistance of 50
megohms at an applied potential of
1000 VAC.
See Figures 1 and 2. The electrical
Electrical nonfiring sensi -
counter shall measure time intervals
tivity and direct current
functioning equipment
from 10 to 1000 microseconds with a
resolution of 10 microseconds.
See Figures 1 and 3. The electrica
counter shall meet the same require -
ments as that in 4.4. 1c,
Output measuring
See Figure 4. The dial indicator shall
have a stem approximately 0.1 inch in
diameter with a conical tip of 30
degrees, included angle terminating
at a rounded point having a radius
of O. 025 inch.
4. 4.2 Preproduction and periodic production test equipment. Test equip-
ment required to perform the preproduction and periodic production tests is
specified in applicable sections of MIL-STD-331 and in 4.4.1 of this specification.
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