| ![]() MIL-F-82530(OS)
4 . 4 . 3 Test conditions. Unless otherwise specified, the primer shall be
subjected to the preproduction and periodic production tests and quality confor-
mance inspection tests under the follow ing conditions:
Room ambient (65 to 95 degrees F)
Normal ground atmospheric pressure
Humidity (Relative)
Room ambient up to 95 percent
4.5 Preproduction and periodic production inspections. The preproduction
and periodic production samples shall be subjected to the tests specified in para-
graph 4.5.1 after satisfactory passing the quality conformance inspections as
indicated in Table I.
4 . 3 . 1 Test procedure. Subject the primer to the test sequence listed in
Table I, Unless otherwise specified in the individual test paragraph, the quality
conformance inspection, as specified in Table I, shall be performed subsequent
to environmental tests under test conditions specified in 4.4.3. Failure of the
primer to pass any one of these tests shall constitute a defective unit.
Vibration. The primer shall be mounted to a suitable holding
fixture with the leads taped to the fixture, and subjected to vibration tests in
accordance with MIL-STD-331, Test 104, Procedure II. A f t e r vibration } t h e
primer shall pass only the continuity and resistance test and capacitor
discharge functioning test
4 . 5 . 1 . 2 Temperature and humidity. The primer shall be subjected to
temperature and humidity testing as specified in MIL-STD-331, Test 105, for
one (1) JAN cycle (two weks), or the primer may be subjected to a total of 21
c o m p l e t e temperature and pressure cycles as described in After
cycling the primer shall pass only the capacitor discharge functioning test
1 . 5 . 1 . 2 . 1 Temperature and humidity alternate test procedure. This is
an alternate procedure, which m ay be performed in place of MIL-STD-331,
Test 105, specified in The primer shall be submerged in water in a
suitable test chamber. The primer shall then be subjected to 15-minute overall
elapsed time intervals of successive submersion and vacuum (1) in water at
a temperature of 160 degrees F plus or minus 10 degrees F and at an absolute
pressure of 58 inches of mercury: (2) a partial vacuum equivalent to a maximum
of 5 inches of mercury absolute; (3) a tap water submergence at an absolute
pressure of 58 inches of mercury; and (4) a repeat of the vacuum cycle. The
aforementioned steps, (1) through (4), constitute one complete cycle. A minimum
temperature differential of 90 degrees F shall be maintained between the 160
degrees F hot-water cycle and the tap-water cycle. Suitable instrumentation
shall be furnished to indicate that the conditions of the test are being met, and
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