| ![]() MIL-P-82534(OS)
Table II. Performance at Specific Temperatures Output energy. The programmer shall provide output signals
from the channel one and channel two functions as electrical pulses of not less
than 2 million ergs when dissipated within 3 milliseconds through a resistance
of 2.0 ohms. Channel one output guarantee. The programmer shall provide a
channel one output even though the signal from the accelerometer may cease
before channel one has functioned.
3.3.5 Enclosure. The programmer shall be airtight with a leakage rate
of not more than 10 to the minus fifth power cubic centimeter per second of
helium at one atmosphere pressure differential.
3.4 Environmental requirements. Unless otherwise specified, the pro-
grammer shall be capable of conforming to the performance and product charac-
teristics of this specification after being exposed to the environments and all
conditions specified herein.
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