| ![]() MIL-P-82534(OS)
3.4.1 Temperature, storage condition. The programmer shall withstand
temperatures from minus 65 to plus 160 degrees Fahrenheit (F).
3.4.2 Humidity. The programmer shall withstand relative humidity up to
95 percent as specified in MIL-E-5272, Procedure I.
3.4.3 Shock, standby condition. The programmer shall withstand shocks
of 40g (g = unit of gravitational acceleration) peak magnitude. The shock shall
have a pulse shape approximating a one-half sine wave having a duration of 5
3.4.4 Vibration, standby condition. The programmer shall withstand
vibration as specified for Type I equipment in MIL-STD-167 up to 25 cps (cycles
per second).
3.4.5 Vibration, operating condition. The programmer shall withstand
vibration through a frequency range of 20 to 2000 cps at 0.10-inch double ampli-
tude or 10g, whichever is less. During vibration the programmer shall meet the
channel one and channel two output requirements of and The
individual readback times shall be within 0.05 and 0.80 second of the required
readback times for channel one and channel two, respectively.
3.4.6 Temperature, operating condition. The programmer shall meet
the performance and product characteristics while at temperatures from 35 to
120 degrees F.
3.4.7 Acceleration. The programmer shall withstand an acceleration of
25g for 4 seconds applied in the direction shown in Figure 1, and thereafter
shall meet the requirements of 3.3.1, and 3.3.6.
3 . 4 . 8 Operating life. The programmer shall meet the operational require-
ment of 3.3.4 periodically during 500 hours of standby operation and thereafter
shall meet the performance and product characteristics specified herein.
3.4.9 Fungus. The programmer shall withstand fungus conditions as specified
in MIL-E-5272, Procedure I.
3.4.10 Salt spray. The programmer shall withstand salt spray conditions
as specified in MIL-E-5272, Procedure I, for 50 hours.
3.5 Workmanship. The workmanship and finish shall be of sufficiently
high grade to assure satisfactory operation consistent with the requirements of
this specification. All parts used in the assembly shall be thoroughly clean and
free of excess materials, chips, and loose or splattered foreign materials. The
standards of workmanship exhibited in any approved preproduct ion sample, sub-
ject to any qualification stated in the Government's notice of approval, shall be
determinative of the requirements of the contract relative to workmanship insofar
as not specifically covered by applicable specifications.
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