| ![]() MIL-P-85315
cover the inlet port and shall be securely fastened on all sides to the ejector
housing to prevent passage of foreign material into the ejector.
The inlet
screen shall be large enough to permit required maximum flow with acceptable
pressure drop when 50 percent of the inlet screen is blocked.
3.6.2 Fitting Ends - Fitting ends, other than discharge and primary flow inlet
ports, shall conform to MS 33649 and MS 33656, except as otherwise required by
the model specification.
3.6.3 Mounting - Ejector mounting shall be tank or line mounted as specified in
the model specification.
3.7 Construction - The ejector shall be constructed to withstand the strains,
jars, vibrations, and other conditions incident to shipping, storage, installa-
tion, and service use. No parts shall work loose in service.
3.8 Performance - The ejector shall satisfy the following performance require-
Calibration - The range of pressure ratio and flow ratio shall be as
defined in a curve similar to Figure 1. Ref. Figures 2 and 3.
3.8.2 Pressure Loss - Pressure loss with the ejector functioning as a suction
pickup with no motive flow supplied shall not exceed that specified by the model
The pressure loss referred to is static pressure loss.
3.8.3 Pump Down - Minimum pump down level shall be as specified by the model
Pump down level is defined as that fuel level at which Ws (refer
to Figure 4) drops to zero.
3.8.4 Altitude - The ejector shall function satisfactorily when subjected to
the altitude test (4.6.5) and shall be in accordance with the altitude perform-
ance test curves in the model specification.
3.8.5 Fuel Resistance - The ejector shall function satisfactorily when subject-
ed to the fuel resistance extreme temperature test of Section 4.6.6.
Gravity Force. The performance during periods of inverted flight
(negative G) or changes in gravity force shall be in accordance with the detail
Endurance. In general, components whose life is time dependent shall
have a minimum endurance requirement in accordance with the detail specification.
Water and ice. Water (or ice) shall not be a cause of a fuel system
component failure. The water may be present in the fuel in the free state or
dissolved. The component whose failure, due to water (and/or ice) could prevent
transfer of fuel shall demonstrate its capability to satisfy aircraft system
requirements in the presence of water in the fuel, either above freezing or
below freezing.
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