| ![]() MIL-P-85662 (AS) First article sample rejection. Failure of the sample to comply
with requirements of this specification shall result in-sample rejection.
Determination as to acceptability of any first article sample shall be
based upon results of initial tests only and no second tests shall be per-
mitted on that first article.
4.2 Quality conformance inspection.
4.2.1 Inspection sample. The inspection sampling procedures shall be in
accordance with MIL-STD-105. Quality assurance terms shall be in accord-
ance with MIL-STD-109. Propellant lot. A propellant lot shall consist of a uniform
blend of propellant manufactured by one manufacturer, in one unchanged pro-
cess, in accordance with the same drawings and drawing revisions and the
same specification and specification revision. Lot identification. Each packed propellant lot shall be iden-
tifed in accordance with applicable drawings and MIL-STD-1168, supplemented
as directed by the contracting activity.
4.2.2 Sampling. Random representative samples shall be taken by random
`selection of one container from each identifiable increment of the lot. A
random sample of five containers shall be selected from these represen-
tative samples. From each container selected, a sample shall be taken such
that the aggregate quantity shall be sufficient for the required tests.
These samples shall be poured into clean containers, immediately closed
with a hermetic seal, and identified as representative samples with a label
showing the container number from which the sample was taken, the lot
number, the propellant nomenclature, and the packing date. Prior to con-
ducting lot acceptance tests, these samples shall be permitted to attain
room temperature; then equal portions sufficient to make the required quan-
tity of a composite sample shall be taken from each representative sample
and blended. The composite sample shall be placed in containers, imme-
diately closed with a hermetic seal, and identified respectively as a com-
posite sample. These containers shall be further identified by the
container numbers from which the composite sample was taken, the lot
number, the propellant nomenclature, and the packing date. Both the com-
posite sample and the representative sample shall be used to perform the
tests specified in Tables I and 11.
4.2.3 Test. The tests listed in Table II shall be performed on each
propellant lot in accordance with the test methods prescribed in 4.3.
Unless otherwise indicated, tests shall be conducted with samples at 20
3C. Sample size and acceptance criteria for each test shall be as
specified. Only propellant sampled in accordance with 4.2.2 shall be used
in the tests. The combining of tests is permitted. When specified jn the
contract or purchase order (see 6.2.2), testing shall be conducted in
accordance with a test procedure prepared by the contractor and approved by
the cognizant Government design activity
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