| ![]() MIL-Q-45618F(MU)
4.6.3 vibration.- Standard vibrating equipment capable of producing
the amplitude and frequency specified in 3.4.3 shall be utilized for this
test. `Vibration shall be in the vertical plane. Unless otherwise speci-
fied, the test equipment for vibration shall be in conformance with the
"Test Facilities" requirement of MIL-F-13926. post-vibration.- Subsequent to vibration, the quadrants
shall be thoroughly examined for physical defects resulting from poor
workmanship and materials to determine compliance with 3.4.3 prior to
being subjected to the remaining tests specified herein. A visual
examination shall be made for missing or damaged parts prior to being
subjected to the remaining performance tests. Minimum visual examination
shall include the level vial (also use smell test to detect leaking vial
resulting from broken seal or glass), screws, nuts, etc. A tactile exami-
nation shall also be conducted to determine looseness or binding or moving
parts such as worm gear, rotating knob, etc. Any one of these possible
defects defined as such, shall be cause to consider a quadrant as defec-
tive. Quadrants which have passed the above examinations shall be tested
for all the requirements of this specification.
4.6.4 Alignment.- The quadrant under test shall be properly positioned
in Test Fixture c7569504 and Elevation Test Fixture Assembly D6510977 which
shall be placed on a firm foundation and carefully leveled. The quadrant
shall be aligned in accordance with and shall meet the requirements speci-
fied in 3.5.
4.6.5 Accuracy .- Set the quadrant to 400 roils elevation as indicated
on the scale and micrometer, and then mount it on the test fixtures
specified in 4.5.3. Rotate the mounting surface of Test Fixture D6510977
until the quadrant level bubble is central with respect to its graduations.
The measured angle of test fixtures D6510977 mounting surface shall indi-
cate the quadrant setting with the tolerance specified in 3.6.1. Elevation
accuracy shall be measured in 100 mil increments from minus 200 to plus 600
mils. Measurements shall be made with backlash excluded for direction
of travel.
4.6.6 Backlash.- This test may be conducted concurrent with the test
specified in 4.6.5. The quadrant shall be mounted on the test fixtures
specified in 4.6.4 and tested for backlash at 200 mil increments through-
Backlash is the difference in
out the entire excursion of the quadrant.
a quadrant reading taken at each of these points, in an elevation direc-
tion when the bubble is central with respect to a graduation, and the same
quadrant reading taken in a depression direction, when the level bubble is
again central with respect to the graduation. The difference can be read
on the test fixture, D6510977, and shall not exceed the tolerance speci-
fied in 3.6.3.
4.6.7 Level vial.- Set the quadrant to zero roils elevation as indi-
cated on scale and micrometer, and then mount it on the test fixtures as
specified in 4.6.4. Rotate the mounting surface of the equipment until
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