| MIL-R-17131C Acceptance criteria, macro-examination. The macro surfa
being examined shall be evaluated for porosity to the weld acceptance
standard for class 2, (1/4 inch thickness) of NAVSEA 0900-LP-O03-800.
NO lack of bond is permitted. .
4.3.4 Certificate of tests. A certificate of quality conformance
of the tests specified in 4.3.3 (i.e., chemical analysis, sieve analysi
when applicable, and hardness when required) containing actual quantita
test results including the process and range of amperage employed in ma
the required usability test for quality conformance inspection for eac
accepted lot included in a particular shipment shall be furnished to th
consignee with the shipment. The quality conformance test result data
shall be submitted on the form shown on figure 1.
Replacement, retest, rejection, and resubmittal.
Replacement of test specimens. A test specimen may be
discarded and a replacement test specimen selected in accordance with
Retest for chemical analysis. 1 When one or more representative test specimen(s) does n
conform to specification requirements for the tested characteristic, on
a single retest of each nonconforming characteristic may be performed t
establish product acceptability.
4, Retests shall be performed on twice the number of
representative specimens that were originally nonconforming.
specimens shall be taken from the same sampling pieces and adjacent to
the original nonconforming specimen.
Retest for other tests or examination are not permitted
4, Rejection. When any retest specimen does not conform to
specification requirements for the characteristic being retested, the l
represented by that specimen shall be rejected. Resubmittal of rejected lots. A rejected lot may be
resubmitted for acceptance testing provided that the rejected lot is
reworked, as necessary to correct the nonconforming condition.
shall consist of any procedure required to correct physical, mechanical
or dimensional deficiencies in nonconforming material or In nonconformi
unit packages and shipping containers to meet specification requirement
without adversely affecting its other required characteristics. When a rejected lot consists of more than one piece, each
remaining piece in the lot may be tested for the nonconforming
characteristic and each piece that conforms to specification requiremen
may be offered for acceptance.
4.4 Packaging inspection. The packaging, packing, and marking sha
be inspected for compliance with section 5 of this document.
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