| ![]() MIL-R-17131C
(The preparation for delivery requirements specified herein apply
only for direct Government acquisitions.)
5.1 Packaging.
5.1.1 Rods. Rods shall be packaged level A in class 6a unit
containers or level C in accordance with MIL-W-10430 (see 6,2,1).
container net weight shall be 5 or 10 pounds (see 6.2.1).
5.1.2 Powder levels A and C. Powder shall be packaged in units
of 10 pounds maximum In resealable, moistureproof plastic or metal
Plastic bags, when used, shall conform to MIL-B-117, and shall
be cushioned and placed within a carton, can, or container to prohibit
movement or damage to the bag.
5.2 Packing.
5.2.1 Rods. Rods packaged as specified shall be packed level A,
B or C as specified (see 6.2.1) in accordance with MIL-W-10430.
5.2.2 Powder. Powder packaged as specified In 5.1.2 shall be packed
for the level specified as follows:
Level B shipping container shall be as specified under level
A packing of MIL-W-10430 for class la and class 1c
(b) Level B shipping containers shall be as specified under
level B packing of MIL-W-1043O for class 1c containers.
(c) Level C shipping containers shall conform to the level C
packing requirements of MIL-W-10430.
5,3 Marking. In addition to any special marking required (see
6.2.1) or herein, marking shall be in accordance with MIL-W-10430.
5.3.1 Special marking. In addition to the marking requirements
for interior packages cited in MIL-W-10430, unit containers and exterior
packages shall include the National Stock Number when furnished with the
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