| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Fuse Posts (Panel-Mounting Type):
All panel-mounted fuse holders shall be of the extractor fuse-
post type, and shall be finger operative under all conditions
of service and test referenced herein. The insulating cap of
the fuse post shall have a hole permitting the insertion of a
test prod, 0.078 to 0.002 inch in diameter and having a maximum
length of 7/16 inch for contact with the metallic frame hold-
ing one end of the fuse. Particular attention shall be given
to the selection of a material which will not swell and bind
under service and test condition. Connections to fuse posts
shall be such that the metal structure which terminated the
test prod hole in the cap is connected to the load side of the
Inductors (RF):
Flammable Material:
Flammable material shall not be used in the construction of r-f
chokes, coils, and transformers.
Impregnation of all multilayer windings is required and also of
any single-layer windings on laminated phenolic forms or on
forms of any other material not grooved to hold the wire. This
impregnation shall be evenly applied.
Stability of "Q":
The design of a coil shall be such that the "Q" of the coil
within the operating frequency range shall be that required by
the equipment after immersion in a saturated solution of sodium
chloride at 20C for a period of 24 hours, followed by a rinse
with tap water and drying for 1 hour in an atmosphere of 50C
and a relative humidity of 30 percent.
Dielectric Strength:
Inductors shall withstand a 1-minute application of a-c voltage
between windings and between each winding and ground, all
neighboring metal parts being grounded. The test voltage shall
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