| MIL-R-23016(Wep)
A suitable impregnating material shall be a material which,
when applied with applicable methods, does not cause any deter-
ioration in the properties of the material being impregnated or
of any adjacent parts, both initially and after aging.
A varnish is suitable for impregnating materials if the proper-
ties of the impregnated material meet the performance require-
ments of applicable specifications.
When used for electrical insulation, parts fabricated from
laminated-thermosetting-plastic sheets, plates, rods, and tubes
(except transparent plastics) shall be impregnated with a suit-
able varnish and dried after all machining and punching opera-
tions have been completed. Materials having moisture absorp-
tion of 1.04 percent, or less, and those used in hermetically
sealed assemblies shall not require impregnation.
Laminated-thermosetting-plastic materials for name, instruction,
graphic chart, and designating plates shall be in accordance
with Specification MIL-P-78.
Cast Thermosetting-Plastic Materials:
When used for electrical insulation, parts fabricated from cast
thermosetting-plastic material shall be impregnated with a
suitable varnish and dried after all machining and punching
operations have been completed. Materials having moisture
absorption of 1.04 percent, or lessJ and those used in herme-
tically sealed assemblies shall not require impregnation.
When used for electrical insulation, parts, fabricated from
molded-thermosetting-plastic materials shall be impregnated
with a suitable varnish and dried after all machining and
punching operations have been completed. Materials having
moisture absorption of 1.04 percent, or less, and those in
hermetically sealed assemblies shall not require impregnation.
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