| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Screw Lengths:
The minimum length of the screws and bolts shall meet the require-
ments of Standard MS33588, except that for screws and bolts of
48 threads per inch and finer a minium of 1-1/2 threads shall
be exposed. Maximum lengths shall be limited by the nearest
larger standard screw length beyond the nut or joining components
except when such projection will result in corona discharge or
when design requirements cannot be met.
Threads shall be in accordance with specification MIL-S-7742,
and as amplified below.
(a) Threads for screws, bolts, nuts, and similar devices shall
preferably be chosen from the recommended selection con-
tained in paragraph titled "Recommended selection," of
Specification MIL-S-7742, unless used for adjustment, when
they may be of fine or extra fine thread series.
(b) When MIL-JAN, AN, or other specifications for components,
such as variable resistors and switches, are in conflict
with the requirements of (a) the requirements of the
specification for the component shall apply.
(c) Commercial threads in general use for mounting standard
components that are not covered by specifications of the
military establishment are acceptable.
(d) Aluminum and other soft materials shall not be threaded
for use as parts that are frequently disassembled.
(e) Screws or bolts shall provide aluminum engagement length
of one time their nominal diameter in tapped parts other
than nuts when the assembly is frequently disassembled,
except in those cases where maximum strength is not required,
in which cases special prevision shall be made to insure
compliance with required conditions.
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