| MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Internal Signals:
Spurious signal outputs due to heterodyning between the various
frequency conversion oscillators in the absence of a desired
signal shall be less than 0.5 v equivalent on the receiver
antenna except the VFO fundamental crossovers and an internal
signal produced by the two h-f oscillators at 2.500 mc. These
shall be less than 2 v equivalent at the receiver antenna.
The receiver sensitivity requirement shall be reduced accord-
ingly by these signals.
IF Rejection:
The receiver shall provide an attenuation of not less than 80
db below the desired signal response to signals on the frequen-
cies of the intermediate frequency amplifiers.
AGC Characteristics:
The AGC characteristic shall be such that the audio output will
not vary more than 6 db with input signals from 10 to 100,000
microvolt. No blocking shall occur on signals between 100,000
microvolt and 500,000 microvolt. A maximum attack time of
50 ma and minimum release time of 800 ms shall be used.
Audio Characteristics:
The audio characteristics of the receiver shall be as follows.
Under standard conditions, the receiver shall be capable of
delivering an audio output of 200 mw with a 50 microvolt input
signal. At 1000 microvolt, 300 mw shall be delivered. Under
service conditions, audio output obtained shall not be less
than 60 percent of that output obtained under standard condi-
Over-all Fidelity:
The overall response shall not vary more than 5 db for modula-
tion frequencies in the range of 300 to 3,000 cps.
The total harmonic content of the receiver output shall not
exceed 10% with an input signal of 1,000 v modulated 80%
with a 1000 cps tone.
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