| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Frequency Stability:
The error
between indicated and actual carrier frequencies
shall not
exceed 0.8 part per million at any selected carrier
within the prescribed range of the equipment after
warmup in
accordance with paragraph
RF Gain Control:
Control of the receiver gain shall be by an RF gain control.
The gain control voltage shall be gated into the AGC system
such that the threshold of AGC control is delayed. Proper
adjustment of the gain control shall provide "quieting" of
receiver noise without subsequent loss of signals above the
ambient noise level. The gain control shall be capable of
attenuating received signals from the threshold of sensitivity
to one-half volt.
CW Requirements:
CW reception shall be accomplished by offsetting the control
unit frequency one kilocycle below the assigned CW frequency.
FSK Requirements:
The receiver, when suitably interconnected with a separate key-
ing unit, shall operate a standard teletype printer when
receiving a standard FSK signal (425 cps relative to even 1 kc
Increments) at keying rates up to 75 cps. When the receiver is
so operated, the output to auxiliary teletype equipment shall be
in the form of two audio signals (1575 and 2425 cps). The control
unit selected receiver frequency shall be set 2 kc below center
frequency of the received signal.
Tuning and Adjustment:
With the equipment operating properly, no test equipment, tools,
or other means or devices external to the equipment shall be
required for its proper tuning and adjustment to any assigned
frequency within the specified frequency range.
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