| ![]() MIL-R-23016(Wep)
Equipments supplied under the contract shall in all respects,
including design, construction, workmanship, performance and
quality, be equivalent to the approved preproduction sample.
Each equipment shall be capable of successfully passing the
same tests imposed on the preproduction sample. Evidence of
non-compliance with the above shall constitute cause for
rejection and for equipment already accepted by this govern-
ment it shall be the obligation of the contractor to make
necessary corrections as approved by the procuring activity.
Production Sample Tests:
When requested by the procuring activity, one equipment shall
be selected from the first 10 production equipments submitted
for acceptance and sent to a designated government laboratory
for tests. The equipment shall be selected by the government
inspector after the equipment has successfully passed all
individual tests.
Scope of Tests:
This equipment may be subjected to any and all tests the
procuring activity deems necessary to assure that the pro-
duction equipment is equivalent to the previously approved
preproduction sample in design, construction, workmanship,
performance, and quality and that it meets all applicable
Production Sample Approval:
Approval of the production sample shall be by the procuring
activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. Any
design, material or performance defect made evident during
this test shall be corrected by the contractor to the
satisfaction of the procuring activity. Failure of the
production sample to pass any of the tests shall be cause
for deliveries of equipment under the contract to cease until
proper corrective action is approved and accomplished.
Corrective action shall also be accomplished on equipment previously
accepted when requested by the procuring activity.
Reconditioning of Reduction Test Sample:
On completion of the production sample test the equipment shall
be reworked by the contractor by replacing all wear or damaged
items. After reworking the contractor shall resubmit the equip-
ment for acceptance.
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