| ![]() MIL-R-23811(Wep)
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3.1 Description. - The recorder assembly is a device which receives and records
information concerning various torpedo characteristics and functions as they exist
during an exercise torpedo run. It consists of a recording oscillograph, MIL-O-23560/4
and a recording component panel, MIL-P-23810(Wep), connected together.
3.2 General requirements
3.201 Preproduction samples. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order,
preproduction samples of the recorder shall be manufactured using the methods and
procedures proposed for the production lot. These samples will be tested as specified
in section 4 herein, and are for the purpose of determining that the production item meets
the requirements of this specification and design.
3.2.2 Materials. - Unless otherwise specified in the contract, requisition,or order
all materials and purchased parts entering into the final assembly of the recorder shall
conform strictly to the detailed requirements indicated on the drawings and specifications
listed in BUWEPS LD 613309.
3.2.3 Finishes, coatings, construction, and dimensions, Finishes, coatings,
construction, and dimensions for the recorder shall be in strict accordance with the
applicable drawings, specifications, and publications listed in BUWEPS LD 613309.
3.2.4 Moisture, fungus, and corrosion: The recorder shall be rendered moisture,
fungus, and corrosion resistant as required by NAVWEPS OS 6341,
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