| ![]() MIL-R-23811(Wep)
3.2.5 Marking. Marking of assemblies, subassemblies, and parts shall be in
accordance with the applicable drawings listed in BUWEPS LD 613309.
3.2.6 Interchangeability. Individual parts of assemblies fabricated in agreement
with their applicable drawings and specifications shall be interchangeable with mating
parts of the unit and other like units. If deviations greater or smaller than the toler-
ances shown on the drawings or specifications are required for interchangeability, or
if hand-fitting beyond that shown on the applicable drawings is required, then changes
in dimensions are necessary and revision and correction of the applicable drawings
or specification is required. See 3.2.9.
3.2.7 Gages. The contractor shall provide himself with whatever gages are
necessary to insure that the material to which this specification applies will meet the
dimensional requirements shown on the applicable drawings. If so stipulated in the
contract, order, or requisition, the Government will furnish drawings of pertinent Navy
Final Inspection Gages for guidance in the design of the contractor's inspection gages,
However, such procedure shall not serve to relieve the contractor of his responsibility
in the design and manufacture of such gages as may be required in the satisfactory
fulfillment of the contract requirements, but is intended to facilitate acceptance of
all components and assemblies by Navy Final Inspection Gages.
3.2.8 Threads. Unless otherwise specified, all threads shall be in accordance
with the National Bureau of Standards Handbook H28. The class or fit for threads
shall be as specified on the applicable drawings.
3.2.9 Conflicting requirements. Conflicting requirements arising between this
specification or any specifications, publications, or drawings listed herein shall be
referred in writing to the procuring agency or appointed agent for interpretation,
clarification, and resolution (or correction).
3.3 Performance requirements and product. characteristics. The recorder shall
meet the following performance requirements and product characteristics:
3.3.1 The recorder shall operate from the following power supplies: AC, 115 volts plus or minus 3 percent, 400 cps plus or minus 2 percent,
single phase. DC, 24 volts plus or minus 10 percent.
3.3.2 The oscillograph shall conform to the requirements of MIL-O-23560/4
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