| ![]() MIL-R-24661(SH)
Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection
by Attributes.
- Marking for Shipment and Storage.
MIL-STD-167-1 - Mechanical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment
Environmental and Type II- Internally
(Copies of specifications and standards required by contractors in
connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the
contracting activity or as directed by the contracting activity.)
2.2 Other publications. The following document forms a part of this
specification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the
issue of the document which is DoD adopted shall be that listed in the issue
of the DoDISS specified in the solicitation.
B 117 - Standard Method of Salt Spray (Fog) Testing.
(DoD adopted)
(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for
Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text
of this specification and the references cited herein (except for associated
detail specifications, specification sheets or MS standards), the text of this
specification shall take precedence. Nothing in this specification, however,
shall supersede applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption
has been obtained.
3.1 First article. When specified in the contract or purchase order,
a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 4.3 and 6.3).
3.2 Materials.
3.2.1 Coated cloth. The coated cloth used in the construction of the ring
buoy shall conform to type I of MIL-C-83489, except that the tear strengths shall
be 3.75 pounds warp, 2.75 pounds fill, and 45 pounds adhesion.
3.2.2 Automatic inflation system. Each ring buoy shall be provided with
a water-activated carbon dioxide (C02) inflation device that will perform as
specified in 4.6.1.
3.2.3 C02 cylinders. The cylinders used in the inflation system shall
perform as specified in 4.6.2.
3.2.4 Reflective tape. Scotchlite Brand Solas Grade number 3150 reflec-
tive adhesive tape with number 2141 primer, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing
Company, or its equivalent shall be used. The tape shall be approximately 2
inches wide and wrapped completely around the ring buoy in four equally spaced
places (see figure 1).
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