| ![]() MIL-R-25410G
4.7.5 Inlet supply pressure. For oxygen regulators having an operating
pressure of 50 to 500 psig, the inlet oxygen pressure shall be adjusted
to 50 psig, except where otherwise specified. For oxygen regulators having
an operating pressure of 2000 psig, the inlet oxygen pressure shall be
adjusted to 150 psig, except where otherwise specified.
4.7.6 Vibratory control. If during any of the tests, the regulator
flutters, chatters, or makes noises which cannot be eliminated, the regulator
shall be rejected. A flutter or vibration is that condition in the system
that causes the output flow meter to fluctuate.
4.7.7 Test equipment. For qualification and quality conformance
inspections, all flow and pressure tests should be performed on test stand
models, 62A-116-E1, 1172AS100 or 1316AS100. Regulators, when tested on
other stands, shall be capable of fulfilling all flow and pressure test
requirements of this specification when tested on test stand models 62A-
116-E1, 1172AS100, or 1316AS100. Piezometer assembly. A piezometer assembly conforming to
NAVAIR DRAWINGS 2-A-116-C48 62-A-116-C49, 62-A-116-C50 and 62-A-116-C51
shall be used to measure the outlet pressure of the regulator. The piezometer
shall be connected to the mask end of the regulator as shown in Figure 3.
The regulator outlet pressures shall be measured at the piezometer union
shown in NAVAIR DRAWING 62-A-ll6-C48.
4.8 Inspection methods.
4.8.1 Visual examination. Regulators. Every regulator shall be examined visually for
critical defects to determine conformance to this specification. In addition,
every regulator, selected as a sample unit from the lot, shall be visually
examined for minor defects to determine conformance to this specification.
The classification of defects, Table VIII, shall be used to classify the
defects found. Dimensions. Each regulator, selected as a sample unit
from the lot, shall be checked dimensionally to determine conformance to the
dimensions specified in MS22062. Packaging. Each of the fully prepared shipping containers,
containing regularors, selected as a sample unit from the lot, shall be
examined to determine that the packaging, packing and marking conform to
this specification. The list of defects specified in Table IX, shall be
used to enumerate the defects found.
4.8.2 Flow characteristics. The regulator shall be connected to a
pressure source to provide an inlet pressure to the regulator as indicated
in 4.7.5, with the oxygen supply valve placed in the "on" position. The
outlet pressure shall be measured as specified in with the diluter
lever in both the "Normal Oxygen" and "100% Oxygen" positions. Under these
conditions, a flow of 30, 50, and 85 lpm ambient shall be maintained at the
outlet of the regulator from sea level to 27,000 feet. This test procedure
shall be repeated by applying the regulators maximum pressure, 500 or 2000
psig, while maintaining an ambient flow of 135 lpm from the outlet of the
regulator at altitudes from 10,000 to 27,000 feet.
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